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Thematic review analysis of data for Knowledge Management System (KMS)


January 2003 - June 2003


The year 2002 was marked by the increased cooperation in the field of European vocational education and training. As part of an "extension" of the Bologna process into the sector of vocational education and training (VET), the European Commission and the Member States have agreed to implement several initiatives aimed to ensure quality, transparency and recognition of qualifications and competences within the sphere of vocational education and training in Europe.

In this context, and on the initiative of the European Commission, the European centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) in Thessaloniki developped a thematically-organised and electronically-based "Knowledge Management System" (KMS). The KMS includes integrative and innovative analysis and reporting, research links with the 6th RTD Framework Programme, dissemination of "good examples of practice", the outcomes of the Leonardo II Programme, as well as contributions from the social partners regarding progress on lifelong learning and developments in labour market demand and supply.

ACA has won a competition to assist Cedefop in the creation and development of this KMS. In the context of this contract, ACA was assessing and monitoring the quality of the information input received by Cedefop, "enriched" it with material derived from Cedefop's "Virtual Platforms", and, most importantly, carried out transversal and comparative analyses of the latter.