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About ACA projects

ACA projects

About ACA projects

Along with services to its membership and events, project work constitutes ACA’s core business. ACA projects embrace many forms and range from studies, reviews and reports to promotion activities, peer learning events, on-site training and online dissemination activities. ACA staff is often invited to provide expertise and advise in an expert role in international projects led by ACA members or external partners. The thematic areas of ACA projects are consistent with the Association’s mission, covering a variety of issues related to the internationalisation of higher education in its broad sense. 

Through its project work ACA strives to support its membership and build a community of practice, to enhance the knowledge on particular aspects of international cooperation in higher education, to promote inclusive international higher education and ultimately, but not least important, to influence European higher education and research policy choices.

ACA projects are partially supported by external funding, obtained either from the European Commission or Parliament, from other organisations or individual higher education institutions. Some projects are commissioned by ACA members themselves, where ACA provides expertise in areas topical for member organisations, their national governments or higher education institutions. In addition, ACA Secretariat and members have a strong track record in cooperation on EU-funded projects, from the Lifelong Learning Programme to Erasmus+, Horizon2020 and research commissioned by the European Parliament.  

While striving to secure external funding for research and activities within its area of interest, ACA has managed to keep an independent status and view from the funding bodies.