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Mapping mobility in European higher education (formerly known as ‘EURODATA II’)


October 2009 - June 2011


CampusFrance, DAAD, Hochschul-Informations-Systems GmbH (HIS), Ulrich Teichler, Ute Lanzendorf, Sandra Bürge


In 2006, ACA published one of its most cited publications, the mobility monitor EURODATA, which collected, presented and analysed the best available statistics on outgoing and incoming student mobility in 32 European countries. In April 2009, the European Commission published an eagerly-awaited tender for a study on student mobility trends in European higher education, a sequel of EURODATA, in many respects. In September 2009, the consortium led by ACA won the tender competition and produced the subsequent two-volume mobility monitor - Mapping mobility in European higher education (formerly known as 'EURODATA II').

The study provides extensive data and information on student (and staff) mobility intoout of and between 32 European countries, which are collectively referred as the "Europe 32" region. This "region" is made up of the 27 member states of the European Union, the four member countries of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and Turkey.

Notably, the publication does not look at "mobility" - plain and simple - but distinguishes between the study done by foreign nationals (foreign students) and that by genuinely mobile students, i.e. those that crossed national borders for the purpose of studying. The publication also differentiates between mobility for a full degree programme (diploma mobility) and mobility in the course of ongoing studies (credit/temporary mobility).

Volume I of the publication fulfills a three-fold task:

  1. It portrays recent trends in the international mobility of students and - to a lesser extent - academic staff in Europe during the past decade.
  2. It reports on and assesses the availability, quality, and depth of information and data on student and staff mobility.
  3. It presents two sets of recommendations - on desirable future improvements in the collection of data on international student and staff mobility, and on proper measures to be taken in the European context to increase international mobility in the future. In addition, the volume explores a range of issues related to national mobility policies and mobility obstacles.

Volume II is composed of in-depth analyses of the present state and the historical development of student mobility in 11 European countries, i.e. Austria, Cyprus, Estonia, the Dutch-speaking Community of Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Romania, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. The country analyses were authored by colleagues from CampusFrance, DAAD and HIS.

The study is available for download on the website of the DG EAC.

At ACA, Director Bernd Wächter and Deputy Director Irina Ferencz shared the work on this project and can be contacted for further information.