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How are higher education institutions dealing with openness? A survey of practices, beliefs and strategies
This report – How are higher education institutions dealing with openness? A survey of practices, beliefs and strategies in five European countries – presents results of a representative survey conducted with higher education institutions (HEIs) in five European countries (France, Germany, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom), which enquired about their Open Education (OE) practices, perceptions and strategies (e.g MOOCs, OER, blended learning). It aims to provide evidence for further development of OE in support of the European Commission’s Communication on Opening Up Education (2013) and the renewed priority on Open Education, enabled by digital technologies, under the ET2020 framework.
The study was conducted in 2015 by ACA with support of data analyst Rita Morais and under the supervision of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre in Seville.
More information can be found here on the JRC website or here.
DOI: 10.2791/709253 (online) / 10.2791/720120 (ePub)