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ACA seminar: Analysing the EU-US higher education relationship

ACA would like to invite registrations for the fourth European Policy Seminar of 2007: Partners and Competitors: Analysing the EU-US higher education relationship.

Whether a role model, threat, or partner, the US has always been some sort of reference point for European higher education. Now with the development of the European Higher Education Area, the Bologna Process, and the global campaigns of many European countries to grab a share of the world’s talented minds, the US is starting to revisit one of its closest political allies from a new angle. The accelerated rate of higher education change in Europe merits great attention from the other side of the Atlantic. Reciprocally, Europe has much to learn from both the successes and mis-steps in American education. As such, we aim to explore new forms of transatlantic cooperation and evaluate the impact the Bologna reforms have on competition and future collaboration. From university finance and student fees, to internationalising curricula, to transatlantic university partnerships, this ACA seminar will tackle a plethora of pertinent topics on US-EU higher education relations. A high quality range of speakers, versed in US-EU education relations, will join us from the public and private sector: Representatives of the European Commission and US Mission to the EU, Dr. Rolf Hofmann of the German Fulbright Commission, Mr. Daniel Obst of IIE, and education consultant Dr. Neil Kemp to name a few.

Please join us on November 16, 2007 in the Foundation Universitaire, Brussels.

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