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Publications by Leon Cremonini


Cremonini, L., Taylor, J., and Joshi, K.M. (Ed.) (2022). Converging Internationalisations. Reconfiguring national, institutional and human strategies for the 21st Century. Science Education, Assessment and International and Comparative Education. Springer Nature AG. Switzerland

Cremonini, L. (2022). Study to Design Options for Youth Leadership Skills Development Programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Final Report. Brussels. European Commission, Directorate-General for International Partnerships.

Cremonini, L., Hoti A. (2022). Manual for Monitoring and Evaluation of Strategic Documents in Public Universities of Kosovo. Austrian Development Cooperation; Republic of Kosovo

Zeeman, M.J, and Cremonini, L. (2020). Can EdTech partnerships bring lifelong learning to all?. Op-ed on University World News. At:

Cremonini, L., (2020). Higher Education for Refugees. An Overview. In : Ludeman, R. B., (Eds.). (2020). Student affairs and services in higher education: Global foundations, issues, and best practices (3rd ed). International Association of Student Affairs and Services (IASAS) in cooperation with the Deutsches Studentenwerk (DSW): Berlin.

Cremonini, L., Paivandi, S, and Joshi, K.M. (Ed.) (2019). Mergers in Higher Education. Practices and Policies. Perspectives on Higher Education. Delhi, India. Studera Press.

Cremonini, L., and de Boer, H. (2018). Cooperating for World Class. Examples from the Netherlands. In Rabossi, M., Joshi, K.M., and Paivandi, S. (Ed.). In Pursuit of World-Class Universities. A Global Experience. Perspectives on Higher Education. Delhi, India. Studera Press.

Cremonini, L., Taylor, J., (2018). Branding by Proxy? How hubs market (or not) higher education systems globally: the example of Qatar. In Papadimitriou, A. (Ed.). Competition in Higher Education Branding and Marketing. National and Global Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan.

Cremonini, L., Horlings, E., and Hessels, L., (2018). Different Recipes for the Same Dish: Comparing Policies for Scientific Excellence Across Different Countries. Science and Public Policy. Vol 45: 2, pp. 232–245, Oxford University Press

Cremonini, L. (2016). Higher education has key role in integrating refugees. University World News. At:

Cremonini, L., Brennan, J., Lewis, R., and King, R. (2015). Cultures of Quality: An International Perspective. Profiles of Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Nine Countries. Report commissioned by QAA in collaboration with the British Council.

Lorisika, I., Cremonini, L., and Safar Jalani, M. (2015). Study to Design a Programme/ Clearinghouse Providing Access to Higher Education for Syrian Refugees and Internal Displaced Persons. Final Report. Brussels/Damascus: European Union Delegation to the Syrian Arab Republic. At:

Cremonini, L., D.F. Westerheijden, P. Benneworth and H. Dauncey (2014). In the Shadow of Celebrity? World-Class University Policies and Public Value. Higher Education Policy, Palgrave Macmillan, 27: 341-361.

Cremonini, L., P. Benneworth, H. Dauncey, and D.F. Westerheijden (2013). Reconciling Republican ‘Egalité’ and Global Excellence Values in French Higher Education, in, Shin, J.C and Kehm, B.M. (Eds.), Institutionalization of World-Class University in Global Competition, Springer, Netherlands.

Cremonini, L., Westerheijden, D. F., Enders J. (2008). Disseminating the Right Information to the Right Audience –Cultural Determinants in the Use (and Misuse) of Rankings. Higher Education, Springer Netherlands, 55:373-385.