The event will look at how support is provided to researchers at risk/with refugee background in Switzerland. The speakers will introduce available national support structures and national programmes for researchers with refugee background/at risk. Also, we will have a look at how Swiss higher education institutions provide and administer support for researchers with refugee background – from academic to practical and administrative matters. Moreover, we will introduce a pathway into integration as a researcher at risk into Swiss academic labour market.
Date/time: Wednesday, 28th October 2020, 14:00 – 15:00 (CET)
The main goals of the event
- Propose potential actions and initiatives at national and European level that could help researchers and institutions willing to support them
- Share concrete examples of how the target group can obtain support for their research in academia – on national and institutional level
- Share experiences of pathways on how to successfully integrate
- Discuss main challenges (short and long-term) and potential ways to overcome them (at national/European level)

- Dr Roger Pfister, Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences/Scholars at Risk (SAR) Switzerland
Swiss research landscape - Available national support structures and national programmes for researchers with refugee background/at risk
- Olivier Vincent, University of Geneva
Swiss HEIs in support for researchers with refugee background/at risk – from academic to practical and administrative matters
- Dr Oula Abu-Amsha, Jesuit Worldwide Learning
Succeeding as a researcher in Switzerland: How to successfully integrate into the Swiss academic labour market.
Register for the Online Talk.