Brussels, 12 March 2004
What’s new in Brussels? Recent developments in European policies and programmes
The resonant success of the first European Policy Seminar "What's new in Brussels?" prompted this unique rerun, with a slightly adapted programme at a different location, namely the Club de la Fondation Universitaire, which was the become the host of a large number of ACA seminars to follow.
The seminars provided the latest information on, and analysis of, the Bologna and Lisbon Processes, as well as on the reform of Socrates and Leonardo currently in the planning, as well as on the just-adopted Erasmus Mundus Programme. ACA is proud it succeeded in winning as speakers Guy Haug, Peter van der Hijden, Vito Borelli and Adam Pokorny of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Education and Culture.
Thursday 11 March 2004
Welcome dinner
Friday 12 March 2004
9:00 |
Registration and coffee |
9:30 |
Welcome/ Opening |
10:00 |
The Bologna Process after Berlin 2003 – Speeding up the Reform? |
11:15 |
Coffee Break |
11:45 |
Socrates and Leonardo after 2006: continuity or revolution? |
13:00 |
Lunch |
14:00 |
Can Europe really become the “most competitive knowledge-based economy in the world” by 2010? The Lisbon Process: an assessment of the first three years |
15:15 |
Coffee Break |
15:45 |
Europe steps onto the global stage: The Erasmus Mundus Programme |
17:00 |
Conclusions and Wrap up |
Club de la Fondation Universitaire
Rue d’Egmont 11 – 1000 Bruxelles
Tel : +32 2 545 04 40
Fax : +32 2 513 64 11
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