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Brussels, 24 February 2006

What’s new in Brussels? Recent developments in European policies and programmes


The first in the ACA European Policy Seminars in 2006 was entitled “What’s new in Brussels: Recent developments in European policies and programmes”. Like its predecessors in 2004 and 2005, it has offered the participants a thorough overview of the several important issues currently at stake at the European level.

The seminar provided up-to-date information on the following issues:

  • the new Integrated Lifelong-learning programme,
  • Erasmus Mundus,
  • EDULINK cooperation programme,
  • the European Institute of Technology, and
  • current news in the European research agenda.


Thursday 23 February 2006

19:30 Welcome dinner @ La Quincallerie

Friday 24 February 2006


9:00 Registrations and coffee
9:30 Welcome and introduction
10:00 Integrated Action Programme in the Field of Lifelong Learning
Adam Pokorny, European Commission, DG Education and Culture
11:00 Coffee
11:30 Universities and research: what are the challenges?
Sieglinde Gruber, European Commission, DG Research
12:30 Lunch
13:30 EDULINK – the new ACP cooperation programme in higher education 
Angelika Sachsenröder, DAAD, Germany
14:15 The European Institute of Technology : some fundamental principles
Stylianos Katsoulakis, European Commission, DG Education and Culture
15:00 Coffee
15:30 A mid-term review of Erasmus Mundus: some lessons to draw
Vito Borrelli, European Commission, DG Education and Culture
16:15 Wrap-up and closing
16:30 End of seminar



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