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Newsletter Edition 281-09/2024

New Inclusion ACAdemy has started

On 26 and 27 September 2024, a new edition of Inclusion ACAdemy trainings, a collaboration between ACA and SIHO, has begun for higher education institutions from Czech Republic, Estonia and Hungary. Over 50 participants took part in a two-day online...
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Internationalisation audit of Slovak higher education institutions

This summer, the Slovak Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport started a new project aiming to conduct an internationalisation audit of 10 Slovak higher education institutions.   Planned for this autumn/winter, the audit is co-designed with the Ministry and conducted...
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ACA voices @EAIE 2024 in Toulouse

Earlier this month the ACA Secretariat participated in the annual EAIE conference on international education in Toulouse, where they connected with colleagues of ACA member and other organisations. ACA members, associate members and the ACA secretariat delivered together presentations at...
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New round of ACA TPG meetings

The month of September 2024 facilitated important gatherings and exchanges between specialist staff of ACA member organisations in two Thematic Peer Groups (TPGs).    On 9 September TPG Inclusion held a meeting where the members had a chance to hear about...
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Unexpected split of Commissioner roles at EU level

On 17 September 2024, the President of the European Commission – Ursula von der Leyen – announced her much anticipated distribution of the 26 top roles in the upcoming European Commission, including 6 Vice-President positions, while striving for a gender...
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2024 Erasmus+ call for proposals: selected Erasmus Mundus projects announced

This year’s Erasmus+ call for proposals, open to institutions and organisations annually, resulted in the selection of 34 Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM). The selected consortia are composed of organisations from 38 different countries, with an additional 40 countries represented...
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SAFE Project: New EU-funded fellowships for researchers at risk

Following a pilot scheme (for more details see ACA Newsletter - Education Europe, June 2023), the European Commission has introduced a new initiative to support researchers at risk: the “Supporting at-risk researchers with fellowships in Europe” (SAFE) project. With a budget...
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EU higher education policy: Addressing challenges and opportunities

A recently publised study, named ‘’EU Education, Youth and Sport Policy: Overview and Future Perspectives’’ and requested by the European Parliament’s CULT Committee, highlights the ongoing and emerging challenges the EU is facing in the higher education sector. These challenges...
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Evaluation of the Erasmus+ programme in tertiary education sector in Slovenia

On 2 September 2024, the 10th Knowledge Platform event called "Erasmus+: Where are we and where are we going?" was held in Portorož, Slovenia, co-organised between the Slovenian National Agency (CMEPIUS) and Slovenian Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation....
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Micro-Credentials for Micro-Competencies in VET 2 October 2024 More information EUA Funding Forum 3-4 October 2024 More information 8th International Staff Week at TSU 7-11 October 2024 More information Sustainability in Higher Education: Embedding Sustainability in Teaching and Learning 8...
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Newsletter Edition 280-08/2024

ACA @34th EAIE Conference and Exhibition – Toulouse, France

ACA members and Secretariat staff are excited to be part of the 34th Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition, taking place on 17–20 September in Toulouse, France. This year’s conference theme is 'En Route!', delving into the possibilities of digital technologies,...
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Experienced participants wanted – Erasmus Mundus seminar on “jointness”

The European Commission’s Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC) and the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) will be hosting this autumn a 1,5-day thematic seminar, under the title “Planning and delivering jointness in Erasmus Mundus Master...
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DAAD launches European protection programme for at-risk researchers

ACA member, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is launching the "Supporting at-risk researchers with fellowships in Europe" (SAFE) programme in partnership with Campus France, the Collège de France, and the Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED). This initiative will enable up...
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OeAD’s new Internationalisation Folder

ACA member, the Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD) recently released their Internationalisation Folder, designed to enhance and streamline the process of international collaboration in education, science, and research. This comprehensive resource provides an in-depth guide to the various...
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Trends 2024 – five years back, five years forward

Over the summer, the European University Association (EUA) published the 9th edition of its long-established Trends report. This latest, Trends 2024 publication showcases how European higher education institutions (HEIs) experienced change over the past five years. Since the previous edition...
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Public consultation on the mid-term progress of the European Education Area

Over summer, the European Commission published a report summarising the key outcomes of the public consultation on the mid-term evaluation of the European Education Area (EEA). The consultation ran from April to June 2024 (for more details, see ACA Newsletter...
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Finland: need for systematic development of internationalisation competences

A new publication on “Developing internationalisation competencies in Higher Education” was released in Finland (so far only in Finnish) in August 2024. The report is based on an evaluation of the status and reform of higher education pedagogy in 2022-2023,...
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US Presidential elections

The upcoming US Presidential elections are expected to have a significant effect on the US higher education systems. Although there is somewhat limited information on the higher education policy approaches of the two candidates, and both have been criticised for...
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Promotion of Polish science at the World Expo 2025 in Osaka

In connection with Poland's participation in the World Expo 2025 in Osaka, Kansai, which will be held from April 13 to October 13, 2025, ACA member NAWA, in partnership with PAIH, invites Polish universities and scientific institutes to participate in...
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Internationalization of Higher Education in the MENA region: Current Trends and Future Scenarios 3 September 2024 More information WISE Project Closing Conference 4-5 September 2024 More information 2nd Internationalisation Congress 11-12 September 2024 More information EAIE Toulouse 17-20 September 2024...
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Newsletter Edition 279-07/2024

Preliminary findings of Erasmus+ evaluation

On 9 July 2024, the European Commission hosted a stakeholder workshop to present the outcomes of a draft final study supporting the mid-term evaluation of the current Erasmus+ programme, the final evaluation of the predecessor programme, and the recommendations arising...
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New additions to the ACA team

July at the Academic Cooperation Association office welcomed an exciting new team member – Juliette Legrand, who has joined as the Office Manager. After 12 years of living in Berlin, Juliette has returned to Brussels and will put her multicultural...
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EU elections: appointments and nominations

The European Parliament (EP) elected Ursula von der Leyen as President of the European Commission in a secret ballot on 18 July, providing her with a second mandate in this central role at union level. 401 MEPs voted in favour,...
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ERC 2025 Work Programme

On 9 July 2024, the European Commission adopted the 2025 Work Programme of the European Research Council (ERC), with EUR 2.7 billion allocated for research grants in the coming year (including contributions from countries associated to Horizon Europe).  Under the...
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Canada officially joins Horizon Europe

In a significant development, Canada has officially joined Horizon Europe, the European Union’s €95 billion research programme. Announced in November 2023 and formally signed as of this month, this move marks Canada as the latest non-European country to associate with...
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International student mobility advocated by Finland’s new Education Minister

Anders Adlercreutz of the Swedish People’s Party was appointed as Finland’s Minister of Education on 5 July 2024. Reflecting on his experience as a former exchange student in Portugal in 1987, he highlights the importance of leaving one’s comfort zone...
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G7 Education Ministers’ Declaration

The Group of Seven (G7) Education Ministers  met in Trieste, Italy on 27-29 June 2024, to discuss common goals by 2030. Chaired by the Italian Minister of Education and Merit, Professor Giuseppe Valditara, theG7informal forum brought together ministers from Canada,...
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Australia significantly increases student visa costs starting 1 July

From 1 July, the cost of applying for an international student visa to study in Australia will increase from AUD 710 to AUD 1,600. This substantial price rise represents another significant challenge for a sector already in crisis, potentially deterring...
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Internationalization of Higher Education in the MENA region: Current Trends and Future Scenarios 3 September 2024 More information WISE Project Closing Conference 4-5 September 2024 More information DAAD Alumni & Friends Networking Apéro 12 September 2024 More information EAIE Toulouse...
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Newsletter Edition 278-06/2024

Study in Europe 4 launched! 

Building on three successful rounds of the Study in Europe initiative, the consortium formed by ACA and member organisations  DAAD (Germany), Nuffic (the Netherlands), HARNO (Estonia), and DZS (Czechia), and coordinated by Campus France, embarked this month on the fourth stage of the initiative (2024-2026). The consortium won the related call for tenders,...
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ACA spring 2024 General Assembly and Erasmus+ staff mobility conference

ACA member, the Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannis) hosted the ACA Spring 2024 General Assembly meeting in Reykjavik, Iceland, earlier this month. ACA members exchanged national updates on key internationalisation policies and trends, discussed the added value of international higher...
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#youngEurope – a new magazine from OeAD 

ACA member, the Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD) recently published a new magazine, "#youngEurope," which showcases the impact of European educational and exchange programmes on young people, emphasising their role in fostering a united European identity. Highlighting initiatives...
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Ongoing efforts and ideas for the future of inclusion and diversity in Erasmus+

In the framework of the recently kicked-off Diversity and Inclusion in Erasmus+ iMplementation (DIEM) project, partners met in Brussels on 10 and 11 June to discuss how can the project contribute to the inclusion objective of the Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027,...
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Erasmus+ 2024 European Universities Initiative call – results out! 

On 28 June 2024, the European Commission published the results of the 2024 Erasmus+ call for proposals for the European Universities Initiative.   In total, 14 new European Universities alliances are joining the 50 previously selected alliances and will receive up...
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Impact of Erasmus+ on European identity and voting intentions among students 

Just a few days before the 2024 EU elections, the Erasmus Student Network released a breakout report of the 15th edition of their research project, the ESNsurvey. The survey, conducted from May to July 2023, focused on exchange students from...
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Transition of EU Council Presidency from Belgium to Hungary 

As Belgium’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union concludes, Hungary is set to assume the role on 1 July 2024. Hungary is the third country in the EU Presidency trio (Spain – Belgium – Hungary) that adopted a...
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The new ERA Talent Platform launched  

On 10 June 2024, the European Commission launched a new ERA Talent Platform offering a new solution and milestone towards an interconnected European Research Area (ERA). Aimed at research performing organisations and individual researchers, the comprehensive platform offers seamless access...
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Increased financial support for displaced Ukrainian researchers  

Funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, under Horizon Europe, the European Commission announced an increased support of EUR 10 million for the MSCA4Ukraine initiative in April 2024. With a total of 125 displaced researchers having had the opportunity to work...
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2-Year anniversary of the European Digital Education Hub 

June 2024 marks the second anniversary of the European Digital Education Hub. Since its launch in June 2022, the Hub has created a vibrant online community of more than 4,500 members dedicated to advancing digital education across the EU and...
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THE Impact Rankings 2024 

The sixth edition of the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings has published their Impact Ranking list for 2024, which is focusing specifically on universities that are contributing to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Their impact was measured...
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International degree students in the Netherlands 

In May 2024, Nuffic published a report presenting the latest facts and figures on university degree students coming from abroad to pursue a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in the Netherlands in the academic year 2022-2023. The analysis is based on...
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EDUFI develops new guidelines to promote internationalisation among youth

The Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) has published the overview of the Guidelines for Internationalisation – How We Promote the Internationalisation of Adolescents and Young Adults.   The overview summarises the views of education providers and societal influencers on the...
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Germany's commitment to global education through funding, strategy, and solidarity 

Universities in Germany are set to receive a significant boost in funding aimed at enhancing international student mobility and academic exchange. As announced by ACA member, the German Academic Exchange Service - DAAD, approximately 220 million euros will be allocated...
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EAIE Toulouse 17-20 September 2024 More information 2024 European Quality Assurance Forum 14-16 November 2024 More information IAU 2024 International Conference 22-24 November 2024 More information IDEM final conference 23 January 2025 More information
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Newsletter Edition 277-05/2024

2nd ENIS COST conference in Tbilisi, Georgia

The ENIS COST network (European Network on International Student Mobility: Connecting Research and Practice) held its second large conference on 13-15 May 2024 in Tbilisi, Georgia, warmly hosted by the local Business and Technology University (BTU). The hybrid event brought...
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Inclusion ACAdemy final conference

The Inclusion ACAdemy has last week wrapped up an 18-month training series at the final conference in Zagreb, hosted last week by Croatian National Agency for mobility and EU programmes (AMPEU) and ACA.     Kicking off in January 2023, the...
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Exploring the impact of international student mobility

DAAD Brussels, the National Agency of Erasmus+ for Higher Education (NA DAAD), and the Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the European Union hosted an event in Brussels on 7 May 2024, focusing on the development of students...
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How to implement Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme

ACA members, OeAD, Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation, and Nuffic, the Dutch organisation for internationalisation in education, have jointly published the “Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes. Basic Toolkit“ to support higher education institutions (HEIs) in successfully implementing Erasmus+ Blended Intensive...
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Poland My First Choice NAWA opens call for applications

NAWA announced a call for applications for the Poland My First Choice NAWA programme open to young people from 44 developed countries and territories. The scholarships offered by the Agency aim to encourage talented youths from abroad to pursue studies...
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Adoption of Council recommendation on research security

Building on the European Commission’s proposal for a Council recommendation on enhancing research security, issued on 24 January 2024 (see ACA Newsletter – Education Europe, January 2024), the Council of the European Union adopted the related recommendation on 23 May...
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Erasmus Mundus turns 20!

The Erasmus Mundus community, bringing together programme coordinators, institutional leaders, students and alumni, as well as EU policymakers and higher education stakeholders, celebrated the 20th anniversary of this flagship EU programme at an international conference on 27-28 May in Brussels,...
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Europe on the Move – learning mobility opportunities for everyone

On 13 May 2024, the Council adopted a recommendation that seeks to promote the benefits of learning, studying or training abroad, both within the EU and outside. The recommendation, entitled ‘Europe on the Move’ – learning mobility opportunities for everyone,...
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Benelux-Baltic HE degree recognition treaty celebrated in Brussels

On 13 May 2024, experts and ministers from the Benelux and the Baltic states gathered in Brussels to mark the entry into force of the Treaty on the Automatic Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications. The treaty, which covers Belgium, the...
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EHEA Ministerial Conference 2024: Shaping the future of European higher education

On 29-30 May 2024, the  European Higher Education Area (EHEA) Ministerial Conference took place at the Palace of Congresses in Tirana, Albania, celebrating 25 years of the Bologna Process.  The event brought together higher education leaders from across Europe to...
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German Rectors Conference announces new strategy to support international students

The German Rectors Conference (Hochschulrektorenkonferenz, HRK) announced that they are aiming to further improve the conditions and prerequisites for a successful student and work experience of international students through a comprehensive set of measures. This includes concrete demands for improved...
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Relevance of the 2024 European election for HE in Germany and in Europe

The European elections in 2024 will take place from 6-9 June 2024. The future composition of the parliamentary committees made up of incumbent and new MEPs and the formation of the EU Commission (2024-2029) will have a significant impact on...
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Legislative reforms to Finland’s higher education policy

Finnish Government advances several higher education reforms as part of the new Government Program.   During the proposal phase preceding the reforms, various stakeholders were invited to share their perspectives. The Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) was also involved as...
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CZELO EduCafé 5 June 2024 More information EURAXESS Biennial Conference 2024 10 June 2024 More information EuroScience Open Forum 2024 – MSCA Satellite event 10-11 June 2024 More information EDEN 2024 Annual Conference 16-18 June 2024 More information LLLP Days...
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Newsletter Edition 276-04/2024

ACA @EGM Seville 2024

EGM Seville 2024, Europe’s largest student-led conference, gathered more than 1,600 participants from over 70 nationalities from around Europe and beyond between 4 and 7 April 2024. This “unforgettable convergence of minds, ideas, and dreams” was possible thanks to the...
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Unpacking “the fourth priority” of the Erasmus+

The end of April was exciting for the ECEM Project consortium and external partners who have met in Brussels to discuss ongoing project work and have conducted the second part of the NA workshop with the representatives from the National...
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NAWA and DAAD launch joint research projects

ACA members, the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) have launched the call for applications for projects in the framework of NAWA Joint Research Projects between the Republic of Poland and Germany....
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Chartering a way forward for a European degree and legal status for alliances

Ten Erasmus+ pilot projects trailblazing a European degree (label) and a possible European legal status for alliances of higher education institutions presented the key outcomes of their intense, one-year work at a large-scale conference which took place on 29 April...
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Mid-point review and stakeholder consultation kick-off for the Digital Education Action Plan

On 29 April 2024, from 10:00 to 16:00 CET, the European Commission will host an essential event in the Charlemagne building, marking a significant milestone—the mid-point of the implementation of the Digital Education Action Plan, the Commission's cornerstone strategy for...
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Next steps in the European Education Area interim evaluation

On 4 April, the European Commission launched a public consultation on the European Education Area (EEA). With the deadline on 27 June 2024, this consultation is part of the interim evaluation, which will assess the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and...
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Developing a risk-free cooperation between civilian and military research

On 15 March, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) published a position paper on linking academic freedom with national security. The comprehensive security policy position paper includes specific recommendations to enable a risk-free cooperation between civilian and...
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DFG adopts Europe strategy until 2030

The German Research Foundation (DFG) has presented a strategy paper laying out their Europe Strategy, which will guide the organisation’s approach to European cooperation until 2030. The DFG is Germany’s national funding organisation for sciences and the humanities and stressed...
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International students help boost Estonian economy

In the previous academic year, international students and graduates contributed over EUR 23 million in taxes to Estonia's economy, as per Statistics Estonia and the Education and Youth Board (HARNO). The newly issued report showed that despite a decline in...
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Continued support for the Ukrainian university sector from Austria reconfirmed

For over two years, the Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD) has closely monitored the repercussions of the Russian war on Ukraine, particularly within the education sector. Ukrainian educational institutions are facing major challenges of maintaining teaching and research...
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French higher education on the rise worldwide

In the 2022-2023 academic year, French higher education institutions welcomed a total of 412,087 international degree seeking and credit mobility students, reflecting a 3% increase over the previous year and a remarkable 17% surge over the past five years. This...
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Increased attention towards responsible internationalisation

On 2 April 2024 an interim report was published in Sweden addressing how to promote responsible internationalisation in higher education, research and innovation.   Given the country’s significant reliance on international collaborations and exchanges for development and prosperity, guidelines on how...
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Empowering innovative teaching and learning practices across borders

The Serbian partners of the Profformance+ consortium, Ministry of Education and Foundation Tempus, are hosting a webinar on May 16th to discuss internationalisation in higher education. The event is open to higher education teachers, professionals, and institutional leaders who are...
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Support for the European Universities Alliances in Poland

The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) has launched a new programme, "Support for the European Universities," beginning its call for projects on April 8, 2024. It is planned that the implementation of projects will start from October 2024...
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Navigating slowly recovering student mobility amid rising demands for global competence

While student mobility has started to recover since being halted by the COVID-19 pandemic, Finland’s mobility figures are still far behind the pre-pandemic peak years. The Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) expresses concern about this trend, seeing the rising...
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Erasmus Salon: Recognition of Learning Periods Abroad 2 May 2024 More information Effects of International Student Mobility 7 May 2024  More information EURASHE 33rd Annual Conference 22-23 May 2024  More information NAFSA 2024 Annual Conference & Expo 28-31 May 2024...
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Newsletter Edition 275-03/2024

Spring 2024 round of ACA TPG meetings

The month of March facilitated important gatherings and exchanges between specialist staff of ACA member organisations in three Thematic Peer Groups (TPGs).   On 15 March, the members of the TPG “Global Developments – Knowledge security and responsible internationalisation” gathered, under...
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Skilled labour initiative takes off in Germany

Starting in April, DAAD will be supporting over one hundred universities across Germany in training international students as future specialists, in a goal to double the number of international higher education graduates entering the German labour market every year.   At...
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Call for applications for the POLONISTA NAWA programme

Following the ULAM NAWA call, the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) announced the start of the recruitment for the 6th edition of the POLONISTA NAWA programme. POLONISTA NAWA aim is to promote the Polish language and popularise Polish...
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Inclusion ACAdemy: last online training round

This month the last online training round of ACA’s Inclusion ACAdemy took place for higher education institutions across Europe, in collaboration with Support Centre Inclusive Higher Education. Participants from Austria, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, and Slovenia had the opportunity to...
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New team member welcomed at the ACA Secretariat

This March, a new colleague, Jenny Nygård, joined the ACA Secretariat. As a Project Assistant, she will support the development and implementation of ACA’s activities, contributing to project work, analysis and member development activities, including technical and administrative tasks.  Prior...
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Welcome start for the process for Switzerland’s reassociation to EU programmes

During a formal meeting on 18 March 2024 in Brussels, European Commission’s President Ursula von der Leyen and President of the Swiss Confederation Viola Amherd officially launched the start of negotiations on a broad set of measures meant to revamp...
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It’s here! European higher education package 2024

On 27 March 2024, the European Commission released a set of proposals for Europe’s higher education sector, with the aim of working towards a European degree. This package consists of three main documents: a Communication on a blueprint for a...
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Joint BUDG-CULT meeting on making Erasmus+ accessible to people with fewer opportunities

On Monday 11 March 2024 an extraordinary joint meeting between the Committee on Budgets (BUDG) and the Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) took place with the aim of exchanging on the topic of making the Erasmus+ programme accessible to...
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New targets and plans for Horizon Europe

On 20 March 2024 the European Commission adopted a second strategic plan  for Horizon Europe, covering the last three years of the programme (2025-2027). The plan focuses on three key strategic orientations for EU’s research and innovation funding, including:   green...
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Future orientations of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

While the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe is ongoing, the ex-post evaluation of Horizon 2020 provides a very positive assessment of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) and their contribution to the objectives of the previous Framework Programme (FP). As of...
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Exploring the Future of Higher Education

The 5th edition of the Future of Higher Education – Bologna Process Researchers’ Conference (FOHE-BPRC) took place in Bucharest on 25 – 26 March 2024, bringing together more than 100 higher education researchers, policy makers and practitioners to discuss key...
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EAIE Barometer – 3rd edition is out now

On 20 March 2024, the European Association for International Education (EAIE) released the much-awaited 3rd edition of its EAIE Barometer publication – Internationalisation in Europe. The comprehensive report provides detailed insights into five key areas related to internationalisation ambitions and...
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DAAD resumes support for cooperation with the universities in the West Bank

Following discussions with partners in the Middle East and scholarship holders of Palestinian origin, DAAD is concerned about the situation of the Palestinian civilian population, particularly in the Gaza Strip. The current conflict is threatening the educational prospects and future...
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IAU launch Global Survey - Internationalisation of HE 2 April 2024 More information Erasmus Salon: Recognition of Learning Periods Abroad 23 April 2024 More information The Digital Education Action Plan in Review 29 April 2024 More information EURASHE 33rd Annual...
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Newsletter Edition 274-02/2024

DAAD supports universities in the fight against anti-Semitism and racism

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is strengthening its commitment to German universities, particularly in supporting and integrating international students. Through the "Combined Scholarship and Support Programme” (STIBET), backed by funding from the Federal Foreign Office, the aim is to...
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Inclusion & Diversity for KA1 evaluators

SALTO Inclusion and Diversity in Education and Training (SALTO ID ET), which is run by the Croatian Erasmus+ agency (AMEUP), published a handbook on the topic of inclusion and diversity in Erasmus+ assessments. The handbook provides guidance for assessment of...
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Call for applications for ULAM NAWA programme

Scientists from foreign universities and research centres with at least a PhD degree are invited to submit applications to the next edition of the ULAM Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange programme.   The aim of the programme is to...
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Bridging digital education and environmental sustainability

The European Digital Education Hub (EDEH), supported by the Erasmus+ programme and managed by a consortium led by the DAAD Brussels office, with ACA as an associated partner, focuses on improving digital education through collaboration and sharing of best practices....
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ACA launches Thematic Peer Group on Communications

How we disseminate knowledge and information in the highly digitalised world we live in is key to reaching and engaging our intended audiences. Efficient, engaging, and targeted communication is invaluable for ACA and its member organisations. Due to the quickly...
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Save the date – Erasmus Mundus 20th Anniversary Conference

2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the impactful Erasmus Mundus programme – the pioneer initiative leading the international dimension of the Erasmus+ and predecessor EU programmes in the field of higher education. Two decades since its launch, in 2004, the...
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European Council proposes Horizon Europe budget cut of EUR 2.1 billion

In an effort to manage the EU's financial commitments more effectively, the heads of state and government convened in the European Council have agreed on 1 February 2024 on significant adjustments to the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for 2021-2027. The...
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MSCA: International Cooperation and Feedback to Policy

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) has announced two upcoming calls for this spring, aiming to support international cooperation and providing input on the broader policy feedback process.  The objective of the MSCA International Cooperation 2024 is to foster international cooperation in...
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Rethinking research security and German Science Year 2024

Germany's Science Minister, Bettina Stark-Watzinger recently raised concerns about the country’s approach to research security calling for a re-evaluation and a reassessment of the traditional divide between civilian and military research, citing escalating security threats, particularly concerning China. The shift in...
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Why international students stay (or leave) after graduating in the Netherlands

A recent study conducted by Nuffic sheds light on the decision-making process of international students regarding their stay or departure after graduating in the Netherlands. The study, which surveyed 680 current and former international students, highlights the important role of...
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Iceland introduces measures to increase higher education cooperation and enrolment

Áslaug Arna Sigurbjörnsdóttir, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation in Iceland, has introduced measures to intensify cooperation between the higher education institutions (HEIs) in the country. They reflect the vision that seven HEIs are too many for a small...
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Harno sets stage for Study in Estonia's 2024-2027 programme cycle

Harno has initiated preparations for the upcoming programme cycle of "Study in Estonia," spanning 2024 to 2027. This phase aims to review target countries and incorporate new demographic groups, such as expatriate Estonians and Ukrainian war refugees. In collaboration with...
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Switzerland - Erasmus+: Symbolic engagement on the Bundesplatz

On Friday 9 February, several youth and student associations gathered on the Bundesplatz in Bern in Switzerland. After a public address, the organisers held a symbolic engagement ceremony between Switzerland and Erasmus+, Erasmus initiating the proposal. This initiative represents a...
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What is next for the European QA framework? 5 March 2024 More information Unlocking the transformative potential of the European Degree Label 5 March 2024 More information Erasmus Salon: Mobility in the Alliances 19 March 2024 More information Protecting fundamental...
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Newsletter Edition 273-01/2024

Driving impact of Erasmus+ outgoing academic staff mobility

Staff mobility is a key component of the Erasmus+ programme. Alongside student mobility, it has consistently been a focal point for ACA and many of its member organisations, some acting as national agencies for Erasmus+. Staff mobility under Erasmus+ has...
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Lots of news in Brussels on the EU policy front

On 25-26 January 2024, ACA brought together, for its flagship start of the year event – What’s new in Brussels? Recent developments in European policies and programmes – and for the 20th consecutive year, a lively and informed group of...
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Experts convene to refine innovative teaching tools

A diverse team of experts recently met in Tbilisi, Georgia, marking a significant milestone in the PROFFORMANCE+ project. At the invitation of the Georgian partners – the National Centre for Educational Quality Enhancement (NCEQE) and the Ministry of Education and...
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SALTO Inclusion publishes factsheets on I&D

SALTO Inclusion and Diversity (Education and Training), run by the Croatian Erasmus+ agency, published two factsheets on inclusion and diversity in Erasmus+. These publications, developed in cooperation with the German Erasmus+ agency in the field of higher education (DAAD), serve...
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European higher education package 2024: Have your say

On 9 January 2024, the European Commission published a call for evidence to collect feedback on a so-called European higher education package 2024, consisting of a Communication on a joint European degree and two Council recommendations on sustainable and attractive...
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European Parliament’s resolution on the implementation of Erasmus+

Following a public consultation on the mid-term implementation of Erasmus+, which collected comprehensive feedback from higher education institutions and other stakeholders including ACA by the end of 2023, the programme’s mid-term review continues throughout 2024 with the delivery of national...
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New measures to boost research security in the EU

On 24 January 2024, the European Commission’s Executive Vice-President and Commissioner for Competition, Margrethe Vestager launched a new Proposal for a Council Recommendation on enhancing research security. The policy document comes in the form of a Proposal for a Council...
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UNESCO Higher Education Policy Observatory has been launched

The  Higher Education Policy Observatory  (HEPO) is a platform recently launched by the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean. This freely accessible platform displays systematized and comparable information about higher education systems and policies around...
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Ireland unveils ambitious Global Citizens 2030 Strategy

In a significant move to position Ireland as a global leader in talent and innovation, Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris TD, launched the "Global Citizens 2030" strategy. This comprehensive initiative, rooted in the...
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Croatia develops new initiatives for attracting international students

In the recent Erasmus+ Annual Conference on Higher Education, which took place on 4 December 2023 in Zagreb, the representatives of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia, Agency for Science and Higher Education and more than...
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Germany and Canada issue new guidelines and rules for cooperation with China

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has recently released a recommendation paper outlining guidelines for fostering academic cooperation with China. Aligned with the German government's China strategy, the DAAD adopts a Realpolitik approach, emphasizing practical considerations in international relations.  From...
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28 German universities secure funding under EUI national support programme

In a move to enhance Germany's participation in the European Universities Initiative, ACA member, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has allocated further funding to 28 German universities through the European University Networks (EUN) programme. The initiative, which aligns with...
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UNICA EduLAB – 4EU+ webinar 21 February 2024 More information EUA Annual Conference 11-12 April 2024 More information EURASHE 33rd Annual Conference 22-23 May 2024  More information
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