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Rampelt, F., Orr, D. & Knoth, A. (2019) Bologna Digital 2020 – White Paper on Digitalisation in the European Higher Education
Via the White Paper "Bologna Digital 2020" the authors intend to set the framework for further fruitful discussions on the development of a common European vision of higher education in the digital age. The paper was written based on discussions on priorities for digitalisation in higher education with a large group of European experts. Two "Bologna Digital 2020" workshops gathered in Berlin and Vienna university representatives, European higher education stakeholders, governmental staff from different member states and other experts active in European higher education. Participants included representatives from public authorities in Austria, Germany, the Holy See, Italy, the Netherlands and Romania as well as European stakeholder organisations such as the European University Association (EUA), the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE), the European Students' Union (ESU), the European University Foundation (EUF) and the European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR).
The authors have summarised and elaborated on the insights thus gathered in this paper, which focuses on prospective developments in six focus areas:
For each area, the authors name opportunities and challenges that digitalisation brings to this specific field of higher education. In addition, each section is complemented by a list of examples of good practice that have been provided by the experts and stakeholder organisations who contributed to discussions.