Freidheim, S. J.
Valuing study abroad: The global mandate for higher education. Institute of International Education, New York, 2012. Pages: 17.
This new briefing paper published by the Institute of International Education’s Center for Academic Mobility Research, presents the remarks that Scott Freidheim gave at the British Academy’s International Conference in London in March 2012. Freidheim discussed the US perspective on study abroad, including data and trends from the
Open Doors Report on international educational exchange that show that fewer than 2% of US students study abroad each year, and that the majority of these do so for short-term programs rather than for a year or semester abroad. These students are increasingly choosing non-traditional destinations while studying abroad, with 15 of the top 25 destinations located outside of Western Europe.
Freidheim notes that the US government provides substantial support to fund targeted international experiences for US students through academic, professional, and cultural exchanges and through funding opportunities such as Gilman Scholarships, Fulbright Fellowships, and Boren Scholarships and Fellowships. In addition to Freidheim’s remarks, this briefing paper includes excerpts of the British Academy position statement, as well as additional data on the landscape of study abroad.
Institute of International Education