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Belyavina, R. US Students in China: Meeting the Goals of the 100 000 Strong Initiative. Institute of International Education, New York, 2013. Pages: 49.
This report provides data on the number of Americans taking part in all types of for-credit and not-for-credit educational activities in China, aiming to provide a baseline to assess the progress of the 100 000 Strong Initiative. This initiative was announced by President Obama in 2009 and aims to increase the number of Americans studying in China to 100 000 over a four year period. The results indicate that in 2011 at least 26 686 Americans were engaged in educational activities in China, most of them were at the undergraduate level. For-credit study abroad programmes are the most popular programmes for students, followed by study tours. In 2011, 2 200 American students were enrolled in full degree programmes in Chinese higher education institutions, representing an increase of 23% compared to the previous year.