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Shin, J. C., Toutkoushian, R. K. & Tecihler, U. (Eds.). University Rankings: Theoretical Basis, Methodology and Impacts on Global Higher Education. The Changing Academy – The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective, Vol. 3. Springer, Dordrecht, 2011. ISBN: 978-94-007-1115-0. Pages: 284.
It would be brash to refute that rankings are undoubtedly exerting increasing influence on the various levels (i.e. regional, national and international) of the higher education landscape. However, this third volume of The Changing Academy – The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective series challenges the current theoretical framework and overall influence of university rankings throughout the higher education domain. Moreover, it not only scrutinises the framework and methodologies of such rankings, but presents a critique of their misuse by relevant high education stakeholders – notably law makers and top-level institutional management and leadership.
The book highlights key topics such as
Lastly, it sheds light on the direction of university rankings and the potential implications and effects rankings might have on the quality, performance and direction of teaching, learning and research.