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University heritage

The heritage of European universities - 2nd edition (Council of Europe higher education series No. 7) (2007). Nuria Sanz, Sjur Bergan, eds. ISBN: 978-92-871-6121-5. Pages: 256. In a period where European is constantly speaking of university modernization, this publication by the European Council reminds one of where universities have come from. While European universities are reputably old, there is little consciousness of the value of university heritage: the accumulated experience of universities as well as the material culture that has been transmitted from one generation to the next.

The authors from the Council of Europe higher education series explore university heritage and intellectual variance, and how this heritage has been passed on in Europe across many periods. The aim of this publication is to raise awareness of the key role of universities in the cultural heritage of Europe as well as to encourage them to co-operate at the European level to define a common approach to problems and weaknesses with regard to their heritage. Council of Europe Bookshop