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Universities Scotland & Scottish Refugee Council – Refugees Welcome: Guidance for Universities on Providing Asylum Seekers and Refugees with Access to Higher Education

Universities Scotland, Scottish Refugee Council, Refugees Welcome: Guidance for Universities on Providing Asylum Seekers and Refugees with Access to Higher Education, Autumn 2016, Pages: 8

Universities Scotland has released a brand new publication, Guidance for Universities on Providing Asylum Seekers and Refugees with Access to Higher Education. The guidance is a collaborative effort between the Scottish Refugee Council and heads of admissions from a range of Scottish universities.

Refugees Welcome provides guidance for Universities on Providing Asylum Seekers and Refugees with Access to Higher Education.

Working with the Scottish Refugee Council and head of admissions from a range of Scottish HEIs, we identified the issues faced by refugees who don’t have documentation but wish to pursue opportunities in Higher Education. The guidance was also created to help admission staff develop their processes to admit and integrate refugees into their chosen university.

The intention is for the guidance to be a live document and to that end, we will be happy to receive feedback at any point. Universities have access to large student and staff bodies willing to dedicate their time, skills and resources to helping people fleeing conflict who are trying to make better lives for themselves. This guidance seeks to embed good practice across all of Scotland’s 19 universities.

Universities Scotland – Full guide