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Under New Management:Universities, Administrative Labor, and the Professional Turn

Martin, R. Under New Management: Universities, Administrative Labor, and the Professional Turn. Temple University Press, 2011. ISBN-10: 1439906955, ISBN-13: 978-1439906958. Pages: 272.

Encompassing a broad swathe of issues, ranging from institutional governance and university mission to personal interactions and day-to-day activities, the  relationship between faculty members and university managers  is a complex and timely topic. Under New Management: Universities, Administrative Labor, and the Professional Turn provides insight into the origins of the ‘gap’ between academics and administrators. On the one hand, it addresses the fundamental objectives of higher education and the unique   principles on which universities are founded, such as autonomy and academic freedom. On the other hand, it highlights the numerous risks and challenges that are faced by administrators. Ultimately, the author articulates the need for a more comprehensive division of labour within the university, which should ideally be based on a better understanding of the tasks that are already performed by the key players.

Temple University Press