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Towards a European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning – Consultation launched by Commissioner Figel’

At a mid-July meeting in London, EU Ministers of Education debated the emerging European Qualifications Framework.  The presentation by Education Commissioner Jan Figel’ is in part a response to the "ambitious" request of the European Council to adopt a recommendation on the EQF by 2006.

  • What is the EQF? – A Translation device for comparing qualifications and Neutral reference point based on learning outcomes
  • How it works - The core of the EQF is the 8 common achievement levels based on learning outcomes. Each of these specific achievement levels correspond to a comparable level of knowledge, skills and wider aspects of competence (such as autonomy).
  • Who is affected – With greater transnational transparency and comparability, the EQF benefits all levels of stakeholders: individuals, sectors, employers and social partners and education and training systems as a whole.
Towards a European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning