Vandenbrande, Tom.
Fostering mobility through competence development: the role of competence and qualification development in fostering workforce mobility (2007). Cedefop – European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Thessaloniki, Greece); Eurofound-European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Dublin, Ireland). ISBN: 978-92-897-0983-5. Pages: 41.
The aim of the 2006
‘European Year of Workers’ Mobility’, launched by the European Union, was to raise awareness of the benefits of workers’ mobility to individuals, companies and economies. It is widely acknowledged that in order to meet economic aspirations, Europe needs its workforce to become more adaptable and resilient in the face of structural change and borderless transaction.
This report is a
joint contribution by the Eurofund and Cedefop to a policy debate about
improving the living and working conditions of Europeans through continuous investment in education and training. It is the outcome of the first joint seminar held for the cooperation framework recently signed by both bodies.
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