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The Minoritisation of Higher Education Students

Mieschbuehler, R. The Minoritisation of Higher Education Students. An Examination of Contemporary Policies and Practice. Routledge, 2019. ISBN: 9780367190279. Pages: 176. 
As higher education policies in the UK are conceived to reduce inequalities and the marginalisation of the so-called minority ethnic students, this book challenges the positive outcome of these policies and demonstrates that they contribute to preserving ethnic students’ disadvantaged educational status. 
The author, Programme Leader for the BA Education Studies at the University of Derby (UK) and an Executive Committee Member of the British Education Studies Association (BESA), actively engages students in her study and analyses students’ narratives and experiences through realist lenses. Some of the experiences collected and discussed concern e.g. student grouping, participatory versus intellectual engagement, academic study and (un)equal treatment.