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The lack of funding is not THE mobility obstacle, but…

ACA’s 42nd European Policy Seminar on Funding Student Mobility concluded on 10 April that the lack of funding is not the only mobility obstacle in Europe and not even a crucial obstacle in some countries where the majority of students are eligible for state financial support in one way or another. The lower than expected take-up rate of portable state grants and loans, found in ACA’s newest study on portable state grants and loans, is one of the indicators showing that students have other more important considerations when deciding on whether to move or not. These may include personal choices to be ‘stable’ that one has to respect, as well as other intangible obstacles that have not surfaced and are difficult to be tackled through national or European policies. 

The lack of funding is what policymakers ‘can’ and ‘should’ tackle,” said Nicolai Netz who set the scene for a very high quality discussion between the speakers and audience throughout the day. The seminar attracted a dedicated crowd of specialists from 17 different countries, in particular from the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium and the Nordic countries.   

Both the seminar presentation slides and ACA’s new book on Portable State Grants are now available for free downloads. 
The next ACA European Policy Seminar, which will address the topic of liberal arts education in Europe, will take place on 9 October, 2014. Save the date!  

Presentations from ACA European Policy Seminar

ACA Publication: Portable State Grants and Loans. An overview and their contribution to outgoing student mobility.