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It has become a tradition. The series of four ACA European Policy Seminars is opened every year by the very popular event What’s new in Brussels? Recent developments and trends in European policies and programmes. 2013 will not be an exception to this rule. The event, to take place on 24 January, is timely. The decision on the successor to the Lifelong Learning Programme, expected to be named Erasmus for All, will be imminent. The same goes for the Horizon 2020 scheme, the next in the series of EU research framework programmes. We will also be getting a preview of a new Commission Communication on policies for higher education collaboration with non-European countries. Updates will also be provided on the activities of the European Institute of Technology and on details of the Bologna mobility strategy. Former Dutch education minister Jo Ritzen will present his vision for “empowered European universities”.
Ritzen will not be the only luminary at What’s new in Brussels? There will also be high-ranking Commission staff, such as Director Jordi Curell, as well as the ever-entertaining and fact-rich Peter van der Hijden and Claire Morel. The view of important stakeholders will be presented by the European Student Union, the European University Association and the Polish National Agency for EU programmes. The national level is represented by Birgit Galler of Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Registrations for the event are open now. EPS 1 2013 - What’s new in Brussels? Recent developments and trends in European policies and programmes