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The Bologna Process plans through 2009

Already at the beginning of October, the work programme for the Bologna Process until the next Ministerial Conference (Leuven/Louvain 2009) was adopted. The “Bologna Follow-up Group” (BFUG) agreed a heavy task list. Focal areas are mobility, the degree structure (and particularly ECTS and the ‘third cycle’), employability, recognition, the qualifications framework (EQF), lifelong learning, quality assurance, the social dimension, data collection and the ‘global dimension’. The ‘stocktaking exercise’, to map progress to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) will continue, and there will be an additional external evaluation (‘independent assessment’) of the Bologna Process since 1999. The BFUG will also develop proposals for a continuation of the Process beyond 2010.  There will, however, not be a Trends Report in 2009.

In order to cover the vast agenda, tools already successfully used in the past will be applied again. These concern reports of all kinds, ‘official’ Bologna seminars, and working, coordination and steering groups. ACA is a member of the working group on the ‘global dimension’ of Bologna, and continues to support the consideration of Bologna in a global context.

Bologna website