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The EAR, which stands for the European Area of Recognition, is a project co-funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission and different national recognition information centres (ENIC NARICs). One of the main outcomes of the project is the EAR manual for higher education institutions (EAR HEI), a practical guide with standards and guidelines in the field of the recognition of foreign qualifications. A survey carried out in 2012 (see ACA Newsletter – Education Europe, May 2012) had already shown that especially admission officers were in need for a practical manual with recommendations for good practice. In 2013, the testing phase for the EAR recognition manual was successfully completed. Close to 450 institutions from over 30 countries responded to the survey conducted in March and April 2013.
Respondents were asked to comment on the readability and applicability of the manual. Around 80% found the guide easy/very easy to read, and over 80% thought it a useful/very useful guide in daily practice. Hundreds of small suggestions for improvement were made, some of them very encouraging.
The first test version of the guide is produced by the EAR HEI project team, coordinated by Nuffic (the Netherlands organisation for international cooperation in higher education). The ENIC NARICs involved come from the Netherlands, France, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, and Ireland. The project team further includes the European University Association (EUA), the Tuning network, the European Student Union (ESU-ESIB), the German Rectors Conference (HRK), the special advisor from USNEI, the President of the ENIC network and the President of the Lisbon Recognition Convention Committee.
The EAR HEI manual is expected by the end of 2013. For further information, please contact Ms Jenneke Lokhoff (coordinator) at EAR project