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Taking stock, evaluating the achievements and identifying the way forward for the ERA priority 3 policy measures

European Commission (2021). Directorate General for Research and Innovation. and CSES, Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services. Taking Stock, Evaluating the Achievements and Identifying the Way Forward for the ERA Priority 3 Policy Measures: Final Report.


The study carried out by the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation and the Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services (CSES), has taken stock of the policy measures regarding priority 3 of the ERA, which has to do with “An open labour market for researchers”, where highly skilled individuals should be free to move where their talents can be best employed. The study defines the needs and offers recommendations about new or revised policy measures to promote the human resources dimension of the new ERA, which was the subject of a Commission Communication in 2020.

Based on the research findings, the study offers the outline of an overall policy framework for research careers. Transformations of the existing policy tools are proposed, including an evolution of the Charter and Code from a document endorsed by institutions into a core part of the overall ERA; a revision of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers, so that the main emphasis supports continuous improvement more clearly, and an evolution of EURAXESS into an ERA Talent Platform which provides more holistic support to research careers. Suggestions are also offered for other types of policy tools that could support research careers in the context of the new ERA.

You can read the complete report here.