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The European Commission has launched a call for tenders to provide consultancy and research services for the education and training policy activities of the Directorate-General for Education and Culture. Previously announced in a Prior Information Notice, these contracts will contribute to the development and implementation of the EU policy agenda in education and training, in particular the ET 2020 strategy and the education and training dimensions of the 'Europe 2020' strategy. This call is divided into four lots:
Lot 1: Consultancy services (internal part)
Provide expertise and logistical support for managing the development and implementation of the EU policy agenda in education and training, in particular ET 2020 and the education and training dimension of the Europe 2020 strategy.
Budget: EUR 12 000 000
Lot 2: Consultancy services (external part)
Undertake policy reviews and analysis of international trends in education and training and provide policy advice.
Budget: EUR 6 000 000
Lot 3: Studies (internal part)
Produce reports based on a broad range of substantive scientific and academic expertise and which strengthen the evidence base underpinning European education and training policy.
Budget: EUR 8 000 000
Lot 4: Studies (external part)
Provide substantive scientific and academic expertise strengthening the evidence base underpinning the implementation of the European Commission's international cooperation in education and training.
Budget: EUR 6 000 000
Tenders may be submitted for more than one lot. Each contract will initially last for 24 months with the possibility of one renewal. The maximum duration of the contracts is 48 months.
Deadline: 15 October 2010European Commission