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The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission launched on 23 August the new round of the General Call for applications under the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), speeding-up the typical application timeline. The call applies to projects that will be funded in 2012, and was made public 2 months earlier compared to last year.
LLP has four sub-programmes that finance projects at different levels of education and training: Comenius (for school education); the well-known Erasmus (for higher education); Leonardo da Vinci (for vocational education and training); and Grundtvig (for adult education). In addition, the programme includes Jean Monnet actions. These stimulate teaching, reflection and debate on European integration. They involve higher education institutions world-wide, and a number of transversal actions relevant for more than one level of education (from language learning, to ICT, policy cooperation and dissemination and exploitation of projects’ results). The latter are funded via the transversal part of the programme.
The strategic priorities of the call in the field of higher education remain unchanged from last year:The application forms will be available from 30 September. More information is available on the EACEA website.
Total budget: EUR 1.14 billion Deadline: action specific EACEA