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The European Commission published on 20 July 2011 two calls for proposals under the People work programme 2012, an annual ‘action plan’ of the ‘People’ Specific programme within the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7). The People work programme 2012 aims to support the implementation of the Europe 2020 flagship initiatives 'Innovation Union', 'Youth On the Move' and 'An Agenda for new skills and jobs'. In particular, one of its goals is to bring education, research and innovation closer to each other to attract, train and retain in Europe the next generation of researchers who will be able to address major societal challenges.
A call for proposals under Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) is opened to support research organisations in their effort to establish or reinforce long-term research cooperation through a coordinated joint programme of exchange of researchers for short periods. The action further aims to provide incentives for cooperation with some of the International Cooperation Partnership Countries (ICPC).
IRSES addresses partnerships composed of at least two independent research organisations from at least two different member states or associated (with FP7) countries and one or more research organisations established in countries, with which the EU has or is negotiating an S&T cooperation agreement, as well as countries covered by the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). Eligible participants in this action are research organisations. A research organisation is defined, for the purpose of the call as a “legal entity established as a non-profit organisation which carries out research or technological development as one of its main objectives" as specified in the FP7 Rules for Participation. Participants are expected to submit multi-annual proposals for joint programmes dedicated to exchanges of researchers, technical and management staff, aspiring to create new and enhance existing networks of international research collaborations between the EU and the related third countries. Financial support will be provided for a period of 24 to 48 months.
Indicative budget: EUR 30 million Deadline: 18 January 2012