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In March 2012, the European Commission published a call for proposals for Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowships for Career Development. These are individual fellowships that aim to reinforce the international dimension of the career of European researchers by giving them the opportunity to be trained in a world-class third country research organisation (from 1 to 2 years), and then to apply the experience gained in a host institution in a Member State or Associated State (for a period typically equalling half of the duration of the t time spent in the third country).
The fellowships also aim to respond to the researchers' needs in terms of complementing their training in inter/multi-disciplinary research, research management skills and inter-sectoral mobility.
Proposals from all areas of scientific and technological research of interest to the European Community are accepted and there are no pre-defined priority areas.
Budget: EUR 40 million Deadline: 16 August 2012