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The month of March marks not only the return of good weather to Brussels but also, and sadly, the end of a two-year stay of Deputy Director Laura Rumbley at the ACA Secretariat. At ACA, Laura has been centrally involved in the implementation of the three-year IMPI Project—an initiative meant to generate a comprehensive list of indicators for the use of higher education institutions that wish to measure their progress in internationalisation. She has also centrally contributed to the production of two ACA studies—the International Student Support in European Higher Education. Needs, Solutions, and Challenges publication of 2010 and the 2011 Mapping Mobility in European Higher Education book. Very importantly, throughout this two-year period, Laura has also been the senior editor of the monthly ACA Newsletter – Education Europe and has represented the association at many prestigious international conferences and events.
From ACA, Laura will be moving on to new roles primarily with the Boston College Center for International Higher Education, but also within IREG—the International Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence. Laura will also continue to serve on the editorial board for the Journal of Studies in International Education.
ACA wishes to thank Laura for the outstanding work and remarkable commitment to ACA’s mission. The Brussels Secretariat, the ACA members and ACA’s project partners will miss her dearly and wish her all the best in her new endeavours, hoping to see her again on 'European land' in the very near future.