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Specific programmes under FP7 for research and technological development announced

The Commission's plans for the Framework Programme (FP7) have become clearer. The programme will focus on nine themes, corresponding to the major fields of progress in knowledge and technology where excellent research must be strengthened to address European social, economic, environmental and industrial challenges. The thematic areas of FP7 are: 1) health; 2) food, agriculture and biotechnology; 3) ICT 4) nanosciences; 5) energy; 6) environment, including climate change; 7) transport; 8) socio-economic sciences and the humanities; 9) security and space.

There are a number of aspects that will reinforce the operation of all the specific programmes as part of an integrated European programme of research:

  • International cooperationeach of the specific programmes above are open to international cooperation, and have dedicated actions in this respect. A strategic approach will be taken across the Framework Programme to promote European research excellence and competitiveness benefits and to address specific global or regional issues where there is a mutual interest and benefit. A coherent approach across the specific programmes in line with this strategy will be ensured and the Capacities programme will have a major role in this respect.
  • Research infrastructures: (large-scale research facilities such as super-computers, libraries, networked databases, testing facilities, observatories) The main support to research infrastructures will be implemented in the Capacities programme, and this programme will ensure a coordinated approach with relevant research activities in the other programmes, notably the Cooperation programme.
  • Dissemination and knowledge transfer: the need to foster the uptake of research results is a strong feature across the specific programmes, with a particular emphasis on transferring knowledge between countries, across disciplines and from academia to industry, including through the mobility of researchers.

The Commission has put forward a budget but there are no new major developments on the Financial Perspectives by the UK Presidency.

Explanatory summary
Commission press release: Specific Programmes for FP7