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Scenarios for the integration of Virtual Exchange in Higher Education

Beaven, Ana, Pittarello, Sara, & van der Heijden, Casper. (2021). Scenarios for the integration of Virtual Exchange in Higher Education. Zenodo.


UNIMED has recently published a report in the framework of the FRAMES project, aimed at teaching and administrative staff interested in implementing virtual exchanges as part of broader mobility/internationalisation strategies within their universities, and who would hence like to know more about how to integrate and accredit them in practice. Evidence shows that motivation is crucial for the success of any educational intervention, including virtual exchanges, and that accreditation plays an important role in increasing participants’ motivation and commitment.

While research has mainly focused on describing virtual exchanges as an educational practice, this report aims at showing, through selected cases, how virtual exchanges have been integrated and accredited by Higher Education Institutions. The cases are used to illustrate four different scenarios of integration and accreditation of virtual exchanges, including challenges and opportunities, and help the reader identify potential paths for future implementation of this innovative pedagogy within their institutions.

You can read the report here.