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Relevance of the 2024 European election for HE in Germany and in Europe

The European elections in 2024 will take place from 6-9 June 2024. The future composition of the parliamentary committees made up of incumbent and new MEPs and the formation of the EU Commission (2024-2029) will have a significant impact on the higher education policy priorities of the EU and the further development of the European Education Area. 

Approximately 5,000 higher education institutions (HEIs) play a decisive role in the education of around 18.5 million students in the EU, of which around 3.4 million are in Germany (as of 2021). As centres of high-quality education and critical, independent research and innovation, universities are responsible for training researchers, leaders and professionals of the coming decades who will play a key role in addressing technological and societal challenges. Moreover, by promoting values such as institutional autonomy, academic freedom and democracy, they contribute to a pluralistic and inclusive society. 

Strong representation of higher education and research issues in the European Parliament can make a significant contribution to shaping the framework conditions for HEIs, researchers, staff and students in Europe. The funding and further development of the current and future EU programmes for education, research and innovation programmes, Erasmus+ and Horizon Europe respectively, the further implementation of the Bologna Process in the European Higher Education Area and the promotion of social inclusion in higher education are issues that depend heavily on the respective political priorities of the EU institutions.

Read more in DAAD's press release