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Quality in international university partnerships – learn with ACA and share your success stories!

Soon after the rentrée académique 2017/18, ACA will tackle, in an intensive, one-day seminar in Brussels, one of the topics of the moment in international higher education – quality in international university collaborations. The event, the 54th in ACA’s series of European Policy Seminars (EPS), is titled Quality in international university partnerships - newlyweds, happily married, in marital counselling or on the verge of divorce and is to take place on 13 October 2017.

The seminar will provide a forum for critical discussions around the main trends in international partnership development in the European higher education landscape, related challenges as well as opportunities for innovative approaches. The programme features a mix of plenary presentations and a panel discussion – where key experts will chart the most important developments observed over the past decade – as well as four parallel sessions, where HEIs representatives will present innovative and inspiring case-studies in four areas:

Track 1 – enhancing quality in joint study programmes

Track 2 – monitoring & assessing collaborations

Track 3 – research collaborations

Track 4 – multidimensional partnerships

The cases for the parallel tracks have been submitted over the summer period via an open call for proposals. Proposals were received from multiple European countries and types of institutions and feature collaborations with HEIs around the globe. So, watch out for the parallel tracks selection results in early September!

To find out more, please check the seminar’s page.