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Maria João Rosa, Alberto Amaral (Eds.). Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Contemporary Debates. Issues in Higher Education. February 2014. Pages : 272
"While at the beginning of the 1990s only about 50 per cent of European countries had initiated quality assessment activities, by 2003 all countries except Greece had entered some form of supra-institutional assessment.” The Bologna Declaration, the establishment of the ENQA, EQAR and the adoption of ESG mark the milestones in the development of quality assurance in higher education that set the scene for yet further developments and this book analyses the latter in order to explore what the future prospects for QA in higher education may be.
A collection of studies, the book presents a critical analysis of contemporary developments in the quality assurance of higher education and aims to open up a debate on recent changes and trends in quality assessment systems. It highlights the most recent trends in QA in Europe, the US and Latin America and brings to attention some new instruments such as the U-Map and U-Multirank transparency tools, AHELO project by the OECD, etc.
The volume’s first two parts focus on the developments of quality assurance, related challenges, risks and improvements, followed by three studies in part III on QA trends in Europe, the US and Latin America, and finally, in part IV, authors provide stakeholders’ perspectives on trends and developments in the field.