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As announced earlier this year, the Commission launched on 5 May 2014 a public consultation on the future of Europe 2020.
The aim of the consultation is « to draw lessons from the first four years of the strategy and to make sure it acts as an effective post-crisis strategy for growth and jobs in Europe » it is said. The consultation tackles several important aspects of the Europe 2020 strategy (scope, nature, instruments, ownership and delivery), which will provide important evidence for the mid-term review of the strategy, planned for 2015.
Stakeholders from different policy areas and with different backgrounds are expected to feed-in their views in order to help the Commission make well-informed proposals for the future strategy. It will help to strengthen the role of education and training and increase ownership of education key players and stakeholders.
This is a follow up of the European Commission’s Communication 'Taking stock of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth', published in March. The stock-taking study, which analyses the progress of the Europe 2020 strategy implementation at EU and national levels, shows mixed results with regard to the five targets set in the Europe 2020 strategy (for details see ACA Newsletter - Education Europe, April 2014).
The public consultation will be open until 31 October 2014. It is accessible through Your Voice in Europe or the dedicated page on the Europe 2020 website.