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Earlier this summer, the Russian government launched a new “academic leadership programme” called Priority 2030 in order to support 100 Russian frontrunner higher education institutions that will head the creation of new scientific knowledge, technology and innovation in line with the country’s socioeconomic needs. The programme’s overall budget is estimated at RUR 100 billion (ca. EUR 1.2 billion).
The new programme continues the efforts made under the past excellence initiative in Russia called Project 5-100 (for more details, see ACA Newsletter – Education in Europe, October 2016) which aimed, among others, at improving the standing of Russian universities on international rankings.
Some of the goals of the new excellence scheme include boosting Russia’s share in the global R&D market, promoting Russia as an appealing destination for study and research attractive to local and international students and researchers at various career stages, fostering inter-university collaboration, and enhancing international cooperation.
In late September, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science announced the results of the call for proposals and published the list of 121 higher education institutions who won the competition. Of these, 106 universities (including five universities of arts) will get at least RUR 100 million per year (ca. EUR 1.2 million) as a “core grant” and some will also get additional funding for the implementation of their R&D or ecosystem leadership or global competitiveness goals. In addition, 15 higher education institutions ranked as “candidates” for support in the competition will get half of the core annual grant.
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