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Polish strategy for the internationalisation of science and HE

ACA member, the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) recently participated in a meeting, hosted by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science, to discuss the development of a national strategy for the internationalisation of science and higher education.

The debate was organised at the behest of the NAWA, which since its inception has been stimulating international research cooperation and academic mobility and included representatives from the academic community and higher education, including amongst others the General Council for Science and Higher Education, the Łukasiewicz Research Network, the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland, the National Science Centre, the NCBiR and the Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Tomasz Rzymkowski PhD.The discussed strategy will build upon the recently adopted NAWA strategy, which serves as a solid framework for monitoring progress in internationalising Polish science and education. Stakeholders at the meeting emphasised the importance of European Universities, the need for legislative changes at the national level, and viewing academic mobility as an integral element of the nation's foreign policy. The discussions also highlighted support programs for foreign researchers in Poland and the need for digitisation to align with global education systems.

Among the proposed recommendations raised during the meeting, were the inclusion of diverse stakeholders in the strategy development, upholding international standards with foreign accreditation, embracing digital mobility for internationalisation, streamlining grant applications, attracting top foreign applicants, and encouraging students to seek internships abroad. These efforts will enhance Poland's global presence in science and higher education, further establishing the nation as a prominent player on the international academic stage.