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Directorate-General for Education and Culture, PISA 2015: EU performance and initial conclusions regarding education policies in Europe, Pages: 28
The OECD PISA Survey (Programme for International Student Assessment) is a key international educational assessment that has sparked educational reforms across participating countries and economies since the launch of the results of the first assessment that took place in 2000. The 2015 round of the PISA survey was carried out in 28 EU Member States – the first time that all EU Member States are covered, 72 countries and economies worldwide.
The results of this sixth, 2015 round of PISA was officially presented on 6 December in a joint Commission/OECD event in Brussels.
Like in previous rounds of the survey, the PISA 2015 final report offers key insights into the performance of school systems, at the EU level, in EU Member States and in a broader global context. It provides new evidence on students' competences in science, reading and maths and their development in participating countries over time. This way, participating countries and economies can assess the success of their recent education policy reforms and identify the need for further activities.
For EU Member States, PISA is a prominent source of information for the ET2020 strategic framework, the Europe 2020 strategy and the European Semester, where it is widely used in the fields of reading, mathematics and science and especially low achievers.
European Commission – Full report