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Thune, T., Kyvik, S., Sörlin, S., Olsen, T. B., Vabø, A., & Tømte, C. PhD education in a knowledge society: An evaluation of PhD education in Norway. Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU), Oslo, 2012. Pages: 138.
Ten years after the last major review of the PhD education system, this new report presents an evaluation of the quality and efficiency of PhD education in Norway and provides recommendations to the Government and to higher education institutions. Overall, the Norwegian PhD education system is characterised as being of high quality, well-organised and as providing good learning and working conditions for candidates. In spite of the increasing number of international PhD students in Norway, which now amount to 33%, the report draws attention to some of the challenges to internationalisation that still need to be addressed, including recruitment procedures, quality control of PhD candidates, better integration of international PhD students, and better integration between the Master and PhD levels.