The Institute of International Education (IIE) is accepting paper submissions to be considered for publication in the upcoming IIENetworker magazine, ‘Supporting Higher Education in Crisis, Post-Conflict and Transition’. The purpose of this issue of IIE’s biannual magazine is to highlight efforts by universities and other institutions to respond to and help support higher education communities and academics in crisis-affected areas. Articles will describe programs and models, share lessons learned, and explore novel challenges posed by current global developments.
Submissions should discuss one or more of the following
- Supporting refugee, displaced, and threatened students, faculty, and scholars (providing scholarships and resources, hosting, assisting those without proper status, working with institutions near refugee populations).
- Providing emergency support during and after natural disasters or health crises (providing short or long-term support including loans and financial assistance where support has been interrupted, counseling, support services, planning for longer term needs).
- Rebuilding academic communities after crisis (capacity building, university partnerships, research collaboration, training and expertise, exchange programs, technology).
We encourage contributions from professionals outside the strictly higher education structure, including those in the private and government sectors, as well as contributions from outside the United States. Articles should be approximately 1200 words. Please email your expression of interest as soon as possible to
Institute of International Education