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The final dissemination event of the OECD HEInnovate Hungarian country review was held in Budapest on the 29th November 2016. The review was a collaborative initiative between the OECD, the European Commission and the Hungarian Ministry of Human Capacities. It has been coordinated by Tempus Public Foundation.
The OECD HEInnovate country review used the HEInnovate framework, and in the case of Hungary, focused on the following three areas: Organisational Capacity, Preparing and Supporting Entrepreneurs, and Knowledge Exchange and Collaboration. The dissemination event brought together experts of the OECD, the European Commission, the international review panel and over a hundred Hungarian policy makers and HEI representatives. Andrea-Rosalinde Hofer, OECD, and Peter Baur, EC presented the review’s key findings and the recommendations for government and HEIs. They underlined that the review has identified several good and promising practices with relevant learnings for other HEIs in Hungary and abroad. In addressing the identified challenges and barriers of HEIs to move forward on the innovation and entrepreneurship agenda, the use of the free, online HEInnovate Tool offers HEIs an effective instrument to enhance dialogue and join efforts amongst all relevant stakeholders.
Ádám Szigeti, Head of Department, Ministry of Human Capacities emphasised that innovation and entrepreneurship are gaining importance and with the 2014 Higher Education Strategy (Changing Gears), third-mission activities have been formally introduced in the Hungarian Higher Education system. The HEInnovate country review is therefore an important contribution to further anchoring of third-mission activities in the existing policy and institutional frameworks. The Ministry of Human Capacities confirmed its commitment to collaborate in the next steps, particularly with regard to follow-up activities related to Structural Funds.
At the afternoon sessions international and Hungarian experts showcased their good practices in the field of entrepreneurship and knowledge exchange. The synergy of different programmes and initiatives was highlighted in projects like the SIMpLe – “Start-up and Innovation Management simuLation' presented by Eötvös Loránd Univeristy and financed by EEA/Norway Funds, exemplified effective entrepreneurial curricula and teaching methods targeting non-business students, including the project’s web-based/interactive learning tool.
Tempus Public Foundation, as coordinator of European Educational Cooperation programmes, is highly engaged in encouraging and assisting Hungarian HEIs’ participation in the learning and cooperation network of countries partaking in HEInnovate.
Further information on OECD HEInnovate Country Review Hungary More about – HEInnovate