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On behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, the OeAD promotes exchange and cooperation between educational institutions in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe and Austria in order to support sustainable education reforms at the pre-university level and to contribute to the internationalisation of education in Austria.
Under this framework, the projects are implemented through five project offices located in Chisinau, Odessa, St. Petersburg, Sarajevo (responsible for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia) and Tirana (responsible for Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia), which are headed by Austrian educational coordinators.
The OeAD’s project partners include the respective ministries responsible for education and training at the pre-university level, education and vocational education and training agencies, teacher training institutions, regional education administrations, schools and other stakeholders in the OeAD’s partner countries and in Austria.
One of the most recently supported initiatives is the “Teaching basic digital skills” project, endorsed on 8 September under a cooperation agreement between the University College of Teacher Education Upper Austria and the OeAD within the framework of educational cooperation with Russia.
This project supports the exchange of experiences with relevant educational institutions in St. Petersburg on the question of how basic digital skills can be effectively taught in compulsory education and which in-service training and further education courses for teachers are necessary for this purpose.
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