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In the context of the communication for a reinforced ERA partnership for excellence and growth, the focus of the policy support measures is related to the effective investment and use of research infrastructures. Following the communication of the Commission on International Cooperation in Research and Innovation (COM(2012)497), international cooperation for research infrastructures is needed with a number of key third countries/regions seen as strategic for the development, exploitation and management of world-class research infrastructures necessary to address research challenges with a global dimension. Expected Impact: Develop cooperation with key international partners for research infrastructures; Enhance the role of the Union in international organisations and multilateral fora.
For the first area (model for socio-economic impact) further expected impact of the action is the enhancement of partnerships between policy makers, funding bodies, academia and industry and the promotion of the development of appropriate tools in support of decision making.
For the second area (European support to RDA) further expected impact of the action is the following: Europe will be in a leading position in enabling the use of the world's store of research data in multi-disciplinary, data intensive global scientific collaborations. It will help the development and adoption of relevant international open standards based on the best practices of a large spectrum of research communities. It will engage research communities at early stages of standards development and address common data requirements for new services bringing together users and technology providers. It will promote sustainable models for research data sharing and install trust in the adopted solutions.
Budget: proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of up to EUR 1.5 million for the first area and between EUR 3 and 3.5 million for the second area (RDA)
Opening: 8 December 2016