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Norway: SIU becomes Dik

The Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (Diku) is the new name of the organisation resulting from a merger between the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU), the Norwegian Agency for Digital Learning in Higher Education (Norgesuniversitetet) and the Norwegian Artistic Research Programme (PKU).
Diku aims to promote quality in education through several means, including international cooperation, digital learning, and artistic research. It is Norway’s official agency for international programmes and measures related to education. The Agency is owned by Norway’s Ministry of Education and Research, and is also working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Commission, and the Nordic Council of Ministers.
The merger took effect already on 1 January 2018.  But onlythese days has the Agency started to use its new name. The Director General of Diku is Mr. Harald Nybølet, the head of the former SIU. Diku will take over Norway’s ACA membership from SIU.