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The Nordplus Programme offers financial support to partners in the area of lifelong learning from the eight participating countries and three autonomous regions in the Baltic and Nordic area. In 2021, 256 applications for financial support have been awarded. Nordplus comprises three sub-programmes, covering all educational levels, including higher education as well as one language programme and a cross-sectoral programme.
The Nordic Council of Ministers initiated an external evaluation of the ongoing Nordplus programme period, with positive results. This evaluation will play an important part in the preparation of the new programme for the period 2023 through 2027.
Overall, the evaluation presents a very positive picture of how Nordplus is functioning for those who apply to and participate in the programme and is succeeding in promoting its overall goals, with a few areas identified for improvement. Additionally, it identifies perspectives and potential strategies to be considered when planning for the programme’s future.
You can find more information about Nordplus and the report itself on the Nordplus website.