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What is the motivation of participants of study abroad programmes and what do they consider as the main benefits of studying abroad? What are the reasons of those who did not take part in any mobility during their student life? Last year, ACA’s Czech member, Centre for International Cooperation in Education (DZS), prepared two studies on the topic and has just made the reports available in English.
This qualitative study looked at the impact of Erasmus+ on participants in all sectors. Eight focus groups were implemented to investigate barriers and positive and negative impacts at the individual level. The aim of the study was to obtain a feedback that would help to further support Erasmus+ applicants at the national level by understanding the motivations of Erasmus+ mobility participants. But it also aimed at understanding the reasons of those students who did not participate in any international mobility.
All respondents who have travelled abroad with Erasmus+ assessed its benefits in a highly positive way; and their positive attitude, the joy of memories and, in many cases, enthusiasm were always present during the discussions. Although the Erasmus+ programme aims at improving the quality and adequacy of qualifications and skills, it affects participants in a very wide range of aspects and in many cases (students, longer stays) it affects the shaping or awareness of life attitudes and personal values.
This quantitative research was aimed at monitoring public awareness of international educational mobility, programmes and internships. The combination of interviewing through an online panel and personal interviews explored attitudes to mobility, experiences with travelling abroad, major motivations and barriers to (non) participation in study and work abroad. The primary focus was on the Erasmus+ programme.
81% of respondents consider learning mobility to be a good thing; most of the rest (18%) consider it neither good nor bad. Nine out of ten (89%) respondents agree with work periods for students of secondary technical schools, disagreement is significantly more common among men, persons with primary education and retired persons.