The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has set up two new programmes supporting the internationalisation of teacher training, on the one hand, and the internationalisation of German universities of applied sciences (so-called Fachhochschulen – UAS), on the other. Both programmes are funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
The Lehramt.International programme’s objective is to sustainably strengthen the international orientation of German teacher education by increasing foreign mobility of teachers and learners alike, and to promote international university partnerships at the institutional level. The programme finances scholarships for individual students, pilot projects for internationalising teacher education at German universities, as well as information, advice and supervision. The programme will also encourage future teachers to deal with cultural diversity in German schools and will increase the visibility of teacher training programmes.
The programme HAW.International will support the international design of teaching and research at universities of applied sciences (UAS or HAW/FH), increase the institutions’ visibility in the European Research Area and beyond, and better prepare students for the challenges in a globalised working environment. With the new HAW.International funding programme, students will be prepared for the international labour market of the future and the HAWs’ training, research and innovation potential will be enhanced through international cooperation. The funding programme will offer scholarships for students and researchers for academic stays and internships abroad, as well as support to innovative projects for internationalisation at UASs. The DAAD offers four different modules that can be used individually or in a complementary way by universities in their process of internationalisation.
- Module A: Projects for initiation and preparation.
- Module B: Implementation of pilot and cooperation projects with international partners.
- Module C: Individual scholarships for study visits, the preparation of theses and for congress and trade fair participation abroad as well as a targeted marketing campaign.
- Module D: Advice, training and exchange of experience.
More information on Lehramt.International here (in German)
More information on HAW.International here and here (in German)