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New Commission communication strategy: Listen, Communicate, Go local

In late July, the Commission approved the “Action Plan to Improve Communicating Europe by the European Commission”. Therewith the Commission endorsed a new communication approach underpinned by three principles:

  1. Listening. Not just to inform EU citizens; but also to listen to them and take their views into account.
  2. Communicating how EU policies affect citizens’ everyday life and what added value they bring.
  3. Connecting by going local, that is by adapting messages to audiences in each Member State and conveying them through the channels those audiences prefer in the language they understand.

Next steps: This approach is achieved in two phases: the Action Plan will be followed by a White Paper to engage all stakeholders, setting out the policy vision and the initiatives to be undertaken in the medium and long-term, in co-operation with the other institutions and actors. For more, please see the links below. 

In a related press release, the Commission has appointed Heads of Representation in seven new Member States Listen, Communicate, Go local – New Commission approach to dialogue and communication with European citizens