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Netherlands: What next?

On July 14, the online consultation for the proposed legislation concerning a more balanced and coordinated approach to internationalisation in Dutch higher education was launched (‘Wet internationalisering in balans’). This phase of online consultation is one of the standard steps in the legislative process in the Netherlands. During the two months consultation, anyone can submit feedback. After that, legislation and received input are discussed in parliament. However, it is uncertain at this point whether the internationalisation bill will reach parliament, as the recent resignation of the Dutch government on 7 July may disrupt the legislative process.

After their resignation, the Dutch government continues their work in a caretaker capacity. In this capacity, government may only work on legislation that is not declared controversial by either one of the houses of parliament. The topics that will be declared controversial will be decided in the first two weeks of September. In case the internationalisation bill is declared controversial, it will not appear on the parliamentary agenda until a new government has taken office, which is not expected before summer 2024.

Minister Dijkgraaf will thus hope that his bill is not declared controversial, as this will delay his plans by a full year or shut his bill down altogether - if the next government thinks differently about internationalisation.

More information on the content and background of the proposed bill can be found on the government’s website.

If you have any questions, please contact Juriaan Beuk at Nuffic.